POSTED 7/29/2001 Mike Garmon, passed away July 21, 2001. We served in the navy together in Fighter Squadron
43 in the late 80's. It is because of him that I was introduced to the Norfolk Aeromodelers. He made great contributions
to Control-Line modeling and will be missed by all who knew him. Mark Schneier
Mike Garmon at Brodak 2001. He took 1st place in advanced stunt. This was the last photo of him.
POSTED 7/10/2001 A sad note: Mark Barrows passed away in June 2001 from a heart attack. Mark was
a dedicated Norfolk Aeromodeler for over 25 years. Back when Mark was in good health, he used to have all kinds of enthusiasm
about flying model airplanes. Once back in the mid 1980's a few of our club members went to a contest in Winston Salem NC
to fly Foxberg racing on a Saturday. Mark brought up the idea to stay overnight and fly stunt on Sunday. We told Mark that
he needed a full-blown stunt plane to have a chance to get a trophy. Mark stayed and flew stunt on Sunday. Well! He added
some elevator throw and tail weight to his Buster and came home with a trophy. We could tell many stories of Mark having fun
flying model airplanes. Mark will be missed by all of us that were lucky enough to know him. Attached is a scanned picture
from a contest we had back in the late 80's at Fentress.Mark is the one on the left.
Mark Barrows (left) and Gene Daniels (right) launching a combat plane. Mark and Gene were both outstanding
combat flyers. Mark was able to fly while laying on his back! Try that sometime. More photos of Mark and other Norfolk Aeromodelers
in here---->More Photos